Who we are
We understand the human factors that contribute to success and help you to unlock them

Knowledge from experience
Our team has developed their experience and expertise as team leaders across a wide range of well respected business, charity and government organisations enabling us to relate with our clients at the highest levels.
Informed means adaptable
Operating a data-informed approach, we bring objective insights to every situation. We possess sophisticated expertise in motivational science, using cutting-edge psychometrics, enabling us to quickly assess the quality of approach that a leader is bringing to their particular situations.
Our focus is your success
Our client’s success is more important than our own. Excellent leaders enjoy their work. Our aim is to elevate enjoyment and success in the workplace. We want everyone to flourish in their workplaces.

Dynamically motivated, relationally inspired
At the heart of every thriving workplace is a leader who enjoys their role and paves the way for everyone to relish their journey. Such workplaces are a delight to be a part of, amplifying joy and success. That’s our vision and why we do what we do.
Our approach isn’t transactional; it’s transformational. That’s the best foundation for the support and courageous challenge that we bring. Our aim is your interest, supporting you to press forward, overcome hurdles and achieve success, however that is measured.
Our team
Nice words from great people
The personal and team insights were invaluable, helping us to establish trust and mutual support together quickly. We continue to benefit from regular leadership support and challenge, proving extremely helpful as we experience continuing and rapid change.
Glen Tonks
Credit Suisse
The specialist insights into individual and team make-up and behaviour have been fundamental in building a fully functioning team at an executive level within the business.
John Bampkin
NP Group
The psychometrics and analysis of team dynamics were fascinating, accurate and unexpectedly useful. You were all great to work with; passionate, helpful, insightful and challenging just enough to get us thinking about how we would take the Centre forward.
Professor Lloyd Clark
Centre for Army Leadership
We’ve had great experiences, working with leaders from