Oct 07 2024

Go on… Talk behind their back – Oh, and make sure everyone is listening!

Championing: vigorously support or defend the cause of.

Who has championed you?  

Who has helped you get to where you are today and supported you along the way? 

I’m sure we all have someone or some people that spring to mind.  

Whenever you read the tributes at the front of a book or hear someone give an Oscar winning speech, it’s very rare to hear them say they did it alone with no help or support from anyone. There’s always one person, if not more, that is thanked and appreciated. People share amazing stories of those who have supported them, cheered them on and even made great sacrifices for that individual to be where they are doing what they’re doing.  

They had a champion. A life’s supporter.  

Having a champion can be the determining factor of our success, flourishing, happiness, wellbeing, I could go on. We all need supporters - a person or people who are rooting for us. They are doing what they’re doing today because of great people who have supported and believed in them. 

If we all need champions in our lives, it would seem logical that we also need to be champions of others. 

Championing is a concept that, I believe, attaches itself to great leadership styles. When I consider brilliant leaders, leaders who have inspired me, leaders who I look up to, they all have this quality of confident humility that makes space for others to succeed and flourish. 

Marianne Williamson said, ‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.’ 

The power we have to change, influence and impact as leaders is huge. As leaders, we have to decide how to use that power well. One way is to champion others.

Have a think - who can you champion and who can you give your support to, helping them get to where they want to be?

Leaders have the ability to build up or tear down and we can do this in many ways. Through:

  • Words - Speak encouragement and praise but ensure truth. False praise is disingenuous and pointless. If challenge or critique is needed in order to help, speak with kindness. ‘Clear and kind’ is the mantra. Be on the lookout for opportunities to encourage and give recognition. Talk about the person behind their back - we often think of this as a negative notion, however speaking well of someone else to others, without them even being aware, can be a wonderful way of encouraging and supporting them. 

  • Actions - Celebrate their successes, both privately and publicly depending on their preferences. Help to create opportunities for them to grow, learn, train and be promoted. Have their back and be there for them when they make mistakes.  

  • Attitudes - Our selfishness, pride, insecurity or envy can get in the way of supporting others, especially if it’s supporting them to supersede ourselves. Championing another person means putting these feelings aside and cultivating a positive, generous attitude. Can you offer your time, advice, counsel, listening ear and expertise? We all have a choice about the attitudes and behaviours we display. 

Being a leader is a privilege, having the power to influence and impact someone’s life is a joy. Let’s grab the opportunity to be someone’s champion, someone’s supporter, just in the same way someone championed us.

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About Nicole

Nicole is an advocate for lifelong learning, believing that every opportunity to develop our thinking and outlook should be embraced.
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