Jun 04 2024

Inspiring Change at 2024 Leadership Conference

We are delighted that our leadership conference inspired leaders to implement ideas and strategies in their organisations.

Here are their top takeaways: 

  • Almost a quarter (24%) of attendees identified developing courage as their key action for their team and company to apply.  

  • Over a third (37%) of attendees identified building trust and enhancing transparency as their top priority action to implement within their team, especially in times of uncertainty and change. 

  • Almost a fifth (17%) of attendees identified the need to increase and improve communication within their teams as their number one takeaway.  

Last week, 90 local leaders from diverse backgrounds gathered at our Leadership Conference, eager to elevate their leadership skills. The event featured insightful discussions and interactive sessions on various aspects of leadership and organisational development. 

Trust and Transparency  

Creating a trustworthy and cohesive work environment was a key focus. Strategies to build trust included improving communication, practising honesty, and maintaining consistent transparency. These elements are essential for fostering psychological safety and openness within teams. 

Living and Embedding Values 

Another theme was the alignment of personal and company values. It’s crucial to live your values at work and to integrate core values into your daily practices. Ensuring that these values are agreed upon and embraced by all team members is essential to maintaining a strong and unified organisational culture. 

Purpose and Legacy 

Leaders need to have regular discussions to understand the company’s purpose and align individual and team efforts towards this purpose. This also includes fostering a "living legacy" mindset, where actions are taken with long-term impact in mind, ensuring the organisation’s goals are sustainable and impactful. 

Empowerment and Feedback  

Empowering team members and encouraging constructive feedback are key actions for enhancing leadership. Creating an environment where team members feel empowered to share their thoughts and provide feedback not only builds trust but also improves overall team dynamics and performance. 

Looking Ahead 

Attendees left with clear strategies to enhance their personal leadership skills and actionable plans for their teams and the organisation. The focus on trust, values, purpose, empowerment, and community engagement will guide local leaders towards a more transparent, value-driven, and community-focused future. 

We look forward to seeing the positive changes and innovative initiatives that will arise from the ideas and discussions generated at this conference. 

 If you were unable to attend this event, the Leadership Conference will be held again on 2nd  October. For more information on the topics and how to book tickets, please visit: Leadership Conference 

*Statistics derived from Conference feedback survey.

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We work with leaders from all industries. Using data-led insights, we identify leadership styles, strengths and weaknesses, then strategise how to move forward and improve.

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About Phil

Phil is Leaders’ founder. He has an enthusiastic and inspiring style, drawing on his experience in business, academia and social sectors to help any leadership team to achieve phenomenal performance.
More about Phil