Leadership Conference

A day of learning, discussion and focus on the foundation to excellent personal and team leadership. 9th April, Guernsey

The world needs excellent leadership. Human, people-centered intelligence that enables any leader and manager to lead themselves, inspire others, foster a healthy team culture and by doing so, to meet the demands of the organisation.

The conference is designed for anyone in a management or leadership role in any organisation. It will be great for individuals and for teams. Comprising a blend of talks, discussion and workshop style exercises, the day will be active, practical and stimulating. The Leaders team - Phil, Kareena and Nicole - will speak and facilitate throughout, bringing their expertise in applying insights from self-awareness psychometric surveys and experiences across the CI and UK. Each participant will take a self-awareness psychometric survey prior to the conference, providing a strong reference point throughout.

Conference Outline

Know Yourself

Keen self-awareness is the beginning of self-development and leading others.

Everyone is unique and wonderfully so. We all have our own blend of personality style, beliefs, mindsets and ways of expressing ourselves. We open the conference by drawing on the insights from your psychometric survey to understand the strengths of your particular approach to life, the activities that are naturally 'good' for you and some potential blindspots.

  • Understand the merits of your personality style.
  • Recognise the environments and activities that are naturally energising.
  • Open awareness to potential blindspots in communication and approach to situations.
  • Understand how other people's styles and interests can be helpful, even when they're not the same as your own.

Keynote speaker

Nicole Le Goupillot

Leadership Director

Lead Yourself

Self awareness alone is not enough.

Being aware of our personality and natural biases is just the start. Applying ourselves intelligently, addressing our blindspots and adapting when needed is what makes for an excellent life. After all, we can't lead others well unless we can lead ourselves.

This session explores actions, practices, strategies and tactics that will enable you to be at your best.

  • Focus; give more of your time and energy to the things that truly matter
  • Address 'extended strengths'; tackle the predictable downsides of your natural style
  • Set great goals; use strengths to overcome blindspots.
  • Embrace tension to overcome procrastination.

Keynote speaker

Kareena Hodgson

Leadership Director

Know Others

Everybody is different. Understanding and respecting those differences is essential for a vibrant workplace and community.

Excellent leaders know that they don't have all the answers. They understand and enjoy that other people are different to them and actively seek other people's perspectives. This session explores ways to build understanding, empathy, respect and trust.

  • Listen to learn, not just to respond
  • Healthy respect and what this looks like in real-life
  • Recognise all six mindsets, not only your own (ref. the psychometric survey)
  • "Think through their eyes"

Keynote speaker

Phil Eyre


Lead Others

Excellent people are others-centred. They apply themselves to the support and growth of their people, organisations and communities.

Excellent leaders inspire others towards an even-better future. They foster the conditions that enable creativity, trust and teamwork, drawing out the best in others. Teams and workplaces like this are marked by positive energy, achievement and joy.

  • Lead from the heart, not just the head
  • Recognise when to contribute and when to draw from team (and others)
  • Lead change; connecting with each mindset
  • Inspire others to achieve great things.

Keynote speaker

The Leaders Team

The Leaders Team


We encourage mutual learning, people learning from others, especially those with different experiences and perspectives. The format is round-table. This can be as a group of individuals or structured to suit groups joining as a team.

Each of the sessions will include a brief talk from Phil, Kareena or Nicole, followed by discussion and feedback around tables. We will set questions to explore and draw out strategies and tactics that you can apply to your work and life. Our aim is to inspire ideas that you can actually apply, whatever your situation.

Everyone taking part will be asked to complete a psychometric survey prior to the conference. The link will be included when signing up. Each person will need to have access to their report during the conference.

Expect energy, diverse perspectives and a plethora of ideas to apply.

  • 8.30am: Coffee & registration
  • 9.00am: Welcome
  • 9.15am: Know Yourself
  • 10.45am: Coffee
  • 11.15am: Lead Yourself
  • 12.45pm: Lunch
  • 1.30pm: Know Others
  • 2.30pm: Break
  • 2.45pm: Lead Others
  • 4.00pm: Close

Join the conference


£215 (£130 for charities), includes self-awareness psychometric survey (to be taken prior to the conference), refreshments and lunch


9th April 2025, 9am to 4pm


Les Cotils Centre

Join the conference