Nov 08 2024

Cultivating Creativity

Is it time to elevate our entrepreneurial leadership style?

There are many different types of leadership styles and whilst there are some that would be unwelcome by a vast majority, many styles are neither better nor worse, but rather just more suited in different situations and scenarios.  

Entrepreneurial leadership is one such style. An entrepreneurial leader will be quick to innovate and orchestrate change - they’re creative and not risk-adverse. They demonstrate resilience, flexibility and self-efficacy, and are confident in themselves. 

Entrepreneurial leadership is the ability to help an organisation grow, adapt and subsequently, whether in times of challenge or opportunity, continue to thrive.  

Some leaders are far more entrepreneurial in their style than others; and perhaps a lot of that has to do with our genetics and how we are wired.  

Is it time to elevate our entrepreneurial leadership style? What can we do to channel that entrepreneurial spirit?  

We at Leaders firmly believe it is a skill that can be developed - there is much we can do to cultivate our inner entrepreneur and lead in such a way - 

  • Begin with vision and purpose -  

Leading with a clear vision and having a defined purpose is essential. Purpose is bound up with passion, and although passion is not something that can be taught, we are able to discover what drives us. Take time to think through your own individual purpose - does this align with your organisation? Bring purpose into everything the business does, from staff meetings and onboarding, to defining values and vision. Ask yourself continually - is what I am doing, the goals I am setting aligned with my/our purpose? 

  • Strengthen your resilience and perseverance - 

To help us become more resilient and persevering, it is important that we embrace failures and mistakes, learn from them and at times even celebrate them. We must use them as opportunities for growth and discovery. We can also develop these qualities by ensuring we have people around us that we go to for support and encouragement, and who can help us navigate challenge. Keep on trying - don’t give up. It may take several attempts to reach the goal - footballers don’t give up trying to score a goal after one or two attempts, they keep at it for the entire game. 

  • Foster creativity -  

Give time and space to allow for creative thought. We often fill our days with back-to-back meetings, appointments and to-do tasks, but don’t have quality time to stop and think! Put creative thinking space in the diary and see it as a necessity, not a luxury. Bring your team into the conversation and bounce ideas off one another, make room for blue sky thinking. Maybe use something random as a stimulus to get the creative juices flowing - pick an item or a word and try applying it to a decision, problem, or setback. Try something new – anything - just give it a go, don’t always fall back to the old and familiar.  

  • Take a risk! - 

Some of us are natural born risk takers whilst others cower at the thought of it. Taking risks is not being reckless. There’s a marked difference. Thought through risk is useful - ask yourself if this decision aligns with the vision, purpose and values, and do proper research to help the risk to be calculated and informed. If you’re not naturally good at taking risks, start small. Begin by taking a risk with something that won’t have any huge consequence if it goes wrong. Continue doing this, slowly developing that risk muscle which develops your own confidence.  

  • Be adaptable -  

Flexibility and curiosity are key. We have to stay aware of the ever-changing landscape we find ourselves in so that we know what we need to flex to. Stay attuned to what’s happening in the world and in your area of expertise. What new technologies are being developed, what’s being written and what’s being spoken about? Keep learning and keep developing your own skill set - don’t become complacent, it’s tempting to think we’ve been there, done that, we know it all. Learning always unlocks or enlightens something. 

  • Stay optimistic! - 

Optimism coupled with realism strikes the perfect balance. Make a choice to see problems and challenges as solvable. 

Whilst not all leaders are great entrepreneurs and not all entrepreneurs are great leaders, there is a sense that the two are somewhat intwined. If you’re a leader, then I encourage you to continue practicing the art of entrepreneurial leadership wherever possible.

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We work with leaders from all industries. Using data-led insights, we identify leadership styles, strengths and weaknesses, then strategise how to move forward and improve.

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About Nicole

Nicole is an advocate for lifelong learning, believing that every opportunity to develop our thinking and outlook should be embraced.
More about Nicole